Bank Leumi sees home price continuing to rise steeply in 2022 (source: Globes April 2022)

In a recent survey, Bank Leumi projects a 9-13% rise this year, and says moderating demand will be slow to affect prices. Government sources say that this is not what will bring down housing prices, and that the claim that "there's a housing shortage" is weak. Although buyers are mainly falling on new homes, the stock of unsold homes in the hands of the contractors, which represents the supply of new...

Property Taxation for Non-Residents

Do you own an apartment in Israel and are a non-resident? Taxation on the calculation of real estate capital gains has undergone constant changes since 2014. Between the agreements on tax transparency between France and Israel and the new Israeli regulations on the calculation of capital gains, it is particularly important to validate your tax status even before making a decision, in order to optimise your...

Why tel Aviv will remain an expensive city

It seems to us that nothing can stop the soaring real estate prices in Tel-Aviv and its region. The observation is unequivocal: economic crisis of 2008 or health crisis in 2020, real estate prices are constantly on the upward slope, and this has become even steeper since the end of the 1st confinement in May 2020. Panorama price trends over the last quarter.   Unheard of in this 2nd quarter of...


The whole country is in TAMA-38! On April 14, 2005, the TAMA 38 legislation was adopted, the law on the reinforcement of existing buildings. The objective was to eliminate the risks associated with earthquakes, despite the existence of building standards aimed at limiting the effects of earthquakes. But most of the buildings built up to 1980 did not meet the required criteria. The government has therefore...

Real Estate in Tel-Aviv, Making a Strong Comeback

For the first time since 2016, investors have made a great comeback on the real estate market. Over the last months of 2020, the real estate investment market has shifted into high gear. Across the country, the number of transactions made by investors between August 2020 and January 2021 jumped 70% compared to the same period in 2019-2020. For the first time in five years, there were more apartments being...

Cette Ville qui nous fascine

Classée régulièrement dans le top 10 des villes à visiter ou des 10 plus belles plages du mondes, Tel-Aviv a réussi un grand chelem incontestable: elle attire jeunes et moins jeunes, elle fascine par son dynamisme et sa diversité, et surtout elle a réussi en l’espace de 20 ans à se hisser au niveau des villes internationales telles que New York, Londres ou encore Paris. Habiter en 1980 à...

Le Tramway à Tel-Aviv

Elisabeth Drai Lamy, la cinquantaine très élégante, travaillait comme commissaire aux comptes quand elle décida, il y a une quinzaine d’années, de se reconvertir - avec succès - dans l’Immobilier à Tel-Aviv et à Yaffo. Elle me reçoit dans ses bureaux flambant neufs rue Reynes au 44. pose, avec Israël Magazine, un regard aiguisé, précis mais aussi souriant sur l’évolution de...

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